
Sunday, 26 April 2015

Good bye Google Code :( or :) because anyone know about Google Code Search ?.. !!!

Google Code is joining the Google product graveyard, project creation disabled March 12, 2015

Google has announced today(March 12, 2015) that it is shutting down its project hosting service, Google Code. Its main competitor GitHub has long been seen as the ubiquitous code and project management platform, and even Google itself has long been moving its own open source projects “to meet developers where they are.” Google says that project creation on Google Code is already disable.

Beginning today(March 12, 2015), we have disabled new project creation on Google Code. We will be shutting down the service about 10 months from now on January 25th, 2016. Below, we provide links to migration tools designed to help you move your projects off of Google Code. We will also make ourselves available over the next three months to those projects that need help migrating from Google Code to other hosts
In August of this year, Google Code will become read-only, meaning users will not be able to edit or change existing projects. As the name suggests, however, users will be able to read and view project source until January 25, 2016 when the project hosting service will be closed completely. If you have a project that needs to be migrated off of Google Code, the company suggests you use the Google Code to GitHub exporter tool.

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